Group D

Click on a book title below to read all about it and add your review of the book in the comments.

The Terrible Thing that Happened to Barnaby Brocket
Granny Grabbers' Daring Rescue
Sammy Feral's Diaries of Weird
Mr McCool
Four Children and It


  1. I am going to read GRANNY GRABBERS now. What book are you reading now?

  2. I think I'm going to read Granny Grabbers next! How about you?

  3. hi i read four Children and it and i really enjoyed it! i would recmend it! It's the best book i have read so far! 9/10

  4. I love the book called virus because it has all the impornant infornmation that will tell you about virus

  5. I think 'Wierd' is a very exciting book and alot of things happen in it. I am only part way through it but it is already dragging me in and making me want to read more. Weird is by far the best book so far.

  6. School Library Service Team21 May 2014 at 02:28

    Sammy Feral's Diaries of Weird has been voted this year's winner for Group D. Congratulations to author Eleanor Hawken. What fantastic news!
